Cobb Salad
The Cobb Salad is a famous salad layered with delicious toppings. In this recipe, we’re making the classic salad just as delicious, but also...
Apple Chips – Oven or Air Fryer
Apple chips are a delicious, healthy snack simply made with two ingredients, apples and cinnamon. Learn how to make homemade apple chips in the...
Instant Pot Baked Potatoes
It’s easy to make Instant Pot Baked Potatoes in less than half the time it takes to bake potatoes in the oven! Depending on...
How To Freeze Bananas
Never throw out overripe bananas again! Learn how to freeze bananas, whole or sliced, with this simple method. Use frozen bananas in smoothies or...
Roasted Garlic Dip
Calling all garlic lovers, this Roasted Garlic Dip recipe is for you! This dip is made with 100 cloves of roasted garlic. Yes, you...
How To Make Roasted Garlic
Learn how to roast garlic in the oven, or air fryer, with this easy method! Roasted garlic is a delicious addition to sauces, mashed...