Korean Goguma Lattes are made with pureed sweet potatoes, warmed with milk and honey then poured over green tea powder for a delicious, homemade sweet potato green tea latte recipe.
Puree the cooked sweet potato and milk in a blender.
Add the mixture to a small pot on the stove over high heat then add the honey. Bring the mixture to a boil.
Once the latte comes to a boil, add the sweet potato mixture to a mug with the green tea bag.
Remove the bag after 3-4 minutes then dust cinnamon on top.
Leftover cooked sweet potatoes are perfect for this recipe! As mentioned in the ingredients list above, 1 small sweet potato equals about 1 cup. If cooking the sweet potato specifically for this recipe simply place the sweet potato in a 350°F oven for 45 minutes or until soft to the touch. Allow to cool, peel, then puree.