Jalapeno Pumpkin Dip
This creamy, sweet and spicy Jalapeno Pumpkin Dip recipe is an easy 5 minute appetizer that’s vegetarian, gluten free and perfect for parties! Woo...
Jamaican Jerk Beef Patties
Jamaican jerk seasoned beef patties are a popular dish in Jamaica. In this recipe, the patties are made into the perfect size for a...
The Ultimate Candy Cookie Cake
The Ultimate Candy Cookie Cake recipe is perfect for Halloween, birthdays or holidays! Just add your favorite candy to cookie dough & bake into...
Slow Cooker Cornbread
This slow cooker cornbread recipe makes preparing cornbread easy without the use of an oven, and it only takes 10 minutes to prep! With...
Slow Cooker Chorizo Corn Chili
Chorizo sausage and corn chili is a spicy, flavorful slow cooker recipe, easily whipped up with only 15 minutes of prep time, and perfect...
Spicy Sausage Mini Pizzas
Sriracha pizza sauce, jalapeños, summer sausage and jalapeño cheddar cheese top this delicious mini pizza recipe. They’re perfect for game days and parties! Growing up, my...