Fun Facts about Whitney
Random Thoughts, Fun Facts and FAQ About Me
- If there’s a breakfast burrito on the menu. I WILL order it. Anywhere. Every time.
- I love pizza. That’s all.
- I grew up in Edmond, Oklahoma.
- I’m an Oklahoma Sooner Football Fanatic (so is my family). To prove it, here’s a picture of us looking absolutely ridiculous in ponchos, sitting through an entire game in the freezing cold, pouring rain. #BoomerSooner
- I moved to San Diego, California in 2003 when I was 18 years old.
- I started my first business at 21, a promotional modeling agency called Simple Glam Girls, that then expanded to a print modeling agency, SG Model Management.
- I decided to give up my business in 2010 to pursue new adventures in a new city.
- In January 2010 I moved to Los Angeles, where I lived for 2 1/2 years and where I began this little blog of mine.
- The blog was originally called Little Leopard Book. When I first moved to LA, I began writing in a little fuzzy leopard print notebook (see below ↓) all about my new adventures. When I decided to start my blog, instead of sharing my adventures in the book, I started sharing them on the blog, so I called the blog Little Leopard Book.
- On the 4 year anniversary of my blog, August 22, 2015, I rebranded the blog to A lot of time and thought went into this decision and I wrote a blog post all about why I made the change!
- I threw one heck of a rebranding party to celebrate, you can check it out in the Rebranding Party Recap I posted!
- My Mom even flew out from Oklahoma to attend the party. Oh, and speaking of my Mom she’s my best friend. No seriously, she’s awesome. Her name is Muffet and she’s the cutest person in the entire world.
- My Dad and I still love to cook together, and we love the OKC Thunder.
- I’m 100% Swiftie. Yes, Taylor Swift. Obsessed. The proof is in this T Swift Food Photography Dance Video on Insta.
- On September 28, 2015 I met the love of my life. His name is Kurt, and he loves to eat, so obviously it was a match made in heaven 😉 On 12/12/19, he proposed and I said YES!!! On July 30, 2022, we got married!
- There are very few things in life that make me happier than sparkles: champagne, glitter or sequins.
- Coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee, but first coffee.
- My second home is Phoenix, Arizona where my best girlfriends live, and I visit frequently to eat pizza, tacos and breakfast burritos. Oh and to see the girls 😉
- My favorite Phoenix event is the annual Taco Festival. Because, tacos + margaritas + fake mustaches = um yes please!
- “How do you stay thin?” – One of my most frequently asked personal questions. Well, you see, I don’t eat any of the food I make. JUST KIDDING! I eat it all, but in between chocolate cookies and buffalo chicken cheesy pasta, I eat tasty things like kale salads and green juice, and I joyfully spring out of bed at 5:45 AM every day to go work out. Kidding, again, I roll myself out of bed and stumble across the room, turn off my obnoxiously loud alarm that I bury below my workout clothes, I mumble a few choice words about how much I don’t want to wake up, but then I do it… because there’s no way I’m giving up pizza, breakfast burritos or chocolate cookies anytime soon!
- I love “Party In The USA” by Miley Cyrus and I’m not ashamed to admit it.
- I’m obsessed with inspirational and motivational quotes. Put them on a mug, a shirt, a coaster, don’t really care, love them all.
- I have an older brother. He’s really smart. I’m not just saying that because I’m his sister, he just received his masters from George Washington University, lives in DC and spends his time spreading his smartness all over Capitol Hill.
- We have a mutual love of coffee and running.
- I ran my first half marathon with him in Los Angeles in June 2011.
- I’m a frequent over-user of emojis. Like sometimes I don’t even type words in texts. Just emojis.
- I (along with the rest of the world) think every Buzzfeed article was written specifically for me. I frequently share the articles on Facebook, always with the caption, “OMG this is totally my life.”
- I thrive on positive vibes, positive reinforcement, positive thinking. Basically I’m down with the whole “power of positivity” thing.
- I’ve spent way too many hours of my life trying to get the perfect Instagram shot.
- I used to have brown hair… and braces… and hang out with these thugs. Oh yeah, these are still my two best friends! lol
- My In & Out Order: Double Double with Grilled Onions, Protein Style, Ketchup Instead of Spread, Animal Style Fries and a Chocolate Shake. Because to really know someone, you should know what their In & Out order is.
- Smiling is my favorite. Oh and laughing. And confetti. And my photographer bestie Stacy Keck. And red velvet cupcakes. And balloons. And wearing tutus.

- Would you like a side of bacon? Yes. Would you like to add bacon? Yes. Would you like bacon with that? Yes. If the question is bacon, the answer is always yes.
- I add a splash of OJ to champagne so that it’s acceptable to drink champagne before 10 AM (on the weekends, of course… and holidays… and vacation… and sometimes Mondays, because Mondays are hard and deserve champagne.)
- I’m infamous for teaching people how to dougie at weddings. Usually grandparents.
- I’ve had noise complaints during solo dance parties in my living room. That was embarrassing.
- Jumping pictures are my absolute favorite. And my family obliges me.
- I love a good theme party. A reason to dress up and make themed party food. Yes, please!
- I am
slightlytotally obsessed with San Diego. Every. Thing. About. It. - I love the fair. Don’t judge me. Oh and I also like to wear overalls. You’re judging me, I don’t blame you.
- Sometimes I eat cheese for dinner. And by sometimes, I mean more often than I’d like to admit.
- And last but not least, here’s an awkward family photo, because everyone should learn from my mistakes. PERMS ARE NEVER A GOOD IDEA! EVER!