From classic comfort foods and simple spice blends, to scrumptious sandwiches and tasty sauces, these 24 recipes reigned supreme on in 2024! Check out all...
Make a warm and cozy meal with this traditional Irish Stew recipe. Made with chunks of beef and Guinness beer, it’s incredibly flavorful and easy to...
You only need 6 simple ingredients to make this delicious Cranberry Goat Cheese Crostini recipe! It’s the perfect holiday party appetizer, or Christmas snack....
This easy recipe for Roasted Tomato Ricotta Bruschetta combines flavorful roasted cherry tomatoes and garlic with creamy whipped ricotta cheese and a warm, toasted...
I began this blog in 2011 to share my favorite recipes with the world. Since then, I've shared over 1,300 original recipes on the blog, published a cookbook and appeared on news stations across the country! Sharing what I love with you is a dream come true, I'm so excited you're here!
Buffalo Style is THE digital cookbook for all lovers of buffalo sauce! It’s filled with dozens of delicious appetizer, side dish, and easy dinner recipes that will have you getting saucy in the kitchen!